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Nimbax is a Canadian startup specializing in the integration and migration of Atlassian collaborative tools. The company offers a wide range of accredited services, training, and customized solutions to support their clients’ digital transformation. Nimbax brings together technology, management, and business intelligence talents dedicated to the growth of organizations.

Nimbax’s brand identity is built upon two central concepts: the binary code of 0’s and 1’s, and the migration of data from one point to another. The binary code is conveyed through clear separations between elements, while the migration of data is represented through cascading elements. The logotype features a typeface that transitions from geometric shapes to more humanist forms, reflecting Nimbax’s commitment to balancing technology and people. In sum, Nimbax’s brand identity communicates the company’s focus on precision, efficiency, and seamless data migration.


Vedran Vaskovic
available for freelance projects
+1 514 834-3014
Montréal, Canada